Recent Projects in the 6 & Up Classes!

Here’s a brief look at some of the projects recently completed in the 6 & up classes. Check out the website and CCA’s  flickr account to see even more!

For the month of January we explored exciting ways that regular old paper can be transformed into fantastic art. We studied a variety of artists and their techniques including: Mia Pearlman, Andrea Dezsö and Betrice Coron. Here you see the first stage of our cut paper mobiles project inspired by Mia Pearlman. Students each made at least two drawings with one featuring curvy shapes and one with angle shapes.


Here are some completed drawings…

The next step was to cut out some of the shapes created

Choosing which shapes to cut out, which to leave and just how much negative space to keep around the shapes were important decisions each student had to make about their artwork.

The next phase included assembling the pieces into a paper mobile. Here are some end results!


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