With all of the current news, we know how overwhelming it must be for parents. Life has brought many challenging twists and turns. SO from all of us, we want to say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU 🙏 for being AMAZING! We ❤️ you for ALL that you do. Let’s continue to work together …
Category: Public safety
Did you ever notice how the Corona Virus looks like a Crunch Berry?

Loads of praise to my co-teacher, Jen & visiting artists Ellen, Natalie and Laura who made these past fearful 3 weeks a HUGE success for kids! Not only did we pack up our SPRING BREAK into daily ART KITS (& delivered) we had our 1ST ZOOM SPRING ART CLASSES! WOW it is a new territory, …
Update from Claire’s Creative Adventures about the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak: CCA is continuing to monitor this situation moment by moment. We will continue to give you updates as quickly as possible. As our history together has shown, we care just as much about your children as you do. We ask that if you, your child(ren), …