Mondrian’s Grey Tree has inspired our line development in our early learners: Straight, Curved and Angled. 2 Versions: Color mixing with B/W, then with all primaries, white and NO Black! As grey can be mixed both ways… Great book to go with this lesson: The Wizard Grey!
Category: Class Topics
“Delightful, interesting, thought provoking…moving” -What they’ll say about your child’s performance! The Young Actors PlayShop: Ages 6 – 12 Saturdays 10-11:30 am On-Camera Commercial Audition Technique: Ages 7 – 16 Saturdays 1-2:30 pm For Course Descriptions, click here. Register by end of March! Classes begin April 5th. @ All Souls Church 1157 …
Cold dreary days looking out of my window inspired the use of vellum and a basic color-mixing lesson using copies of his animals to draw or trace, color and overlay with colorful blues, pinks and yellows to make the secondary colors… Hey color aficionados- Why is it you can still make a rainbow with pink?! …
Visiting artist Gosha ( taught us so much about what it means to be Sanguin, Choleric, Melancholic and Phlegmatic- very new concepts to all of us! Each one is different, has a different color and how each difference relates to physical traits in the face. Our students were able to try the Blue and Green- …
While learning about color mixing, 3-8 year-olds have fun constructing colorful stuffed “Soft Sculptures.” See slideshow:
Create the perfect disguise for any party! Italian mask-making is a unique art, and carefully planned with lots of fun materials. During this class, you will you will design, paint, and adorn your very own striking Venetian mask with fancy jewels & exotic feathers, right along with your child. Male masks will also be available. …
Thank you Lauren Pohl, Founder of Kid’s Central Station for highlighting our programs with Yahoo Finance!
It’s coming down in buckets the snow! So why not have some fun with a cup of hot cocoa, popcorn and this simple kids’ project with household items: SNOWMEN: Dough (below), sticks/ Popsicle sticks, felt/ paper or even stickers, glue or gluestick, a baby carrot, buttons or found objects, large bowl, measuring cup, spoon/stirring tool. …
Surrealism and functionality come together while you create your very own Dali-inspired clock! Using metal embossing techniques, these clocks will be designed and constructed to reflect the “melting” of Dali’s works, complete with base and stand. Saturday, February 1st, 2014 4pm-5:30 pm Ages 6 and up. $75 pp. @All Souls Church 1157 Lexington …
Spring Registration thru Jan. 24th… Art Adventures thru May! Are you a NYC family wanting to expose your children to the fascinating world of art around you, or to give your child a leg up on a competitive school system? Do you have friends or family members traveling through NYC seeking a truly memorable …