Creating art brings peace and relaxation to the body and mind, when times are uncertain or when the mind is troubled by the worries of the world.
Read how Rebecca Ackerman created tiny food clay art to cure her pandemic anxiety!

PC: NY Times
Create with us in the Fall!
More about Claire’s Art Adventures:
We believe that learning to think creatively is necessary to everyone’s development. Our program is designed to reach all intelligences, to go beyond school curricula to demystify art, artists and their processes with exciting advanced materials. Located at All Souls Church, Art Adventures is an inclusive hands-on children’s art league that teaches art not just as a pastime, but as a means of individual expression. Children leave with confidence as they develop the courage to tackle the “artistic problems” we introduce. While exploring contemporary, modern and multicultural art, children learn to overcome obstacles, master triumphs and revel in the excitement over newfound ways to use myriad mediums!
Visiting artists are also invited throughout the year to share their unique perspectives. One Museum or gallery visit is included each semester for ages 4 and up. Art Adventures Studio classes visit museums and galleries more frequently. Although semester enrollment is offered, our curriculum will span the entire year. Languages are also an important part of learning about the world! We offer Art and French classes where French is introduced throughout the art processes.
Topics include:
Modern & Contemporary artists, Multicultural arts & multi-media exploration! Tailored curriculum means new ideas and applications including classical self-portraits, line, shape and color studies & landscapes… However, here are some unique favorites along the way: Magnetic sculpture, Plaster hand casting, Pollock in the park, Wayne Thiebaud and Claes Oldenburg pop-art food sculpture, Louise Nevelson and Giacometti sculptures, Calder mobiles, stabiles and circuses, Lichtenstein patterns, African masks, cloths and mud painting, Batiking, Encaustics, Egyptian art, Japanese fish prints, Chinese calligraphy, storytelling, World Arts and so much more… mostly because processes are child-directed or reflect the museums we visit!
Inquire more about it, today!