Join Museum Adventures and Discover the Impressionists @ the Met!
This Friday, October 4th @3:45-5pm
This Saturday, October 5th @1-2:15pm
Ages 6 and up
(Minimum 3 children per tour)
Tours include hands-on diverse materials, on site at the museum.

Category: activities with your kids, art museums in NYC, Museum Adventure, NYC things to do, parent-child class
Tags: adults, art, art class, Art classes for kids, art for kids, Artist Profiles, children, Class Projects, contemporary art, family events, fun things to do with kids, Impressionism, kids, kids art programs, Metropolitan museum of art, modern art, modern art for kids, Monet, museum, museum adventure, nyc, nyc art class, NYC kids and art, NYC things to do, Painting, parent-child class, tours, weekend