We are offering 2 complimentary introductory classes to new students to Art Adventures on September 13th or 14th (this Thursday or Friday) @4pm.
As a thank you to current parents, we would love for your child to join as well, by inviting a friend and enjoying the 1 hour class, for free.
Date/Time 1: Thursday, Sept. 13th, 4-5pm
Date/Time 2: Friday, Sept. 14th, 4-5pm (spaces available!)
Age range: 6-9’s
Drop off class only
Max 6 students per session.
To register for this free class, please e-mail the information below to Claire@ClairesCreativeAdventures.com ASAP, as spaces are limited:
Date of class (Sept. 13 or 14):
Parent’s Name:
Child’s Name:
We will confirm your registration by email.